Research Output

Datasets from online studies

Working Memory, Prospective Memory, and Self-Reported Everyday Memory and Lifestyle: Data from a Large Scale Internet Study with 408,938 Participants
Robert H Logie , James R Brockmole , Elizabeth A Maylor , Renae Smith-Ray , and Jason M Doherty

Recorded 5 minute talk on Adversarial Collaboration.
Society for Improvement of Psychological Science, June 24, 2021. Click on the link below.



Rhodes, S., Doherty, J.M., Jaroslawska, A.J., Forsberg, A., Belletier, C., Naveh-Benjamin, M., Cowan, N.,  Barrouillet, P., Camos, V., & Logie, R.H. (in press). Exploring the influence of temporal factors on age differences in working memory dual task costs. Psychology and Aging.

Jaroslawska, A.J., Rhodes, S., Belletier, C., Doherty, J.M., Cowan, N.,  Naveh-Benjamin, M., Barrouillet, P., Camos, V., & Logie, R.H. (in press). What affects the magnitude of age-related dual-task costs in working memory? The role of stimulus domain and access to semantic representations. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology.

Barrouillet, P. & Camos, V. (in press). The time-based resource-sharing model of working memory. In R.H. Logie, V. Camos, & N. Cowan, (Eds.) (in press). Working Memory: State of the Science. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Cowan, N., Belletier, C., Doherty, J.M., Jaroslawska, A.J., Rhodes, S., Forsberg, A., Naveh-Benjamin, M., Barrouillet, P., Camos, V., & Logie, R.H. (in press). How Do Scientific Views Change? Notes from an Extended Adversarial Collaboration. Perspectives on Psychological Science.

Cowan, N., Morey, C.C., & Naveh-Benjamin, M. (in press). An Embedded-Processes Approach to Working Memory: How is It Distinct from Other Approaches, and To What Ends? In R.H. Logie, V. Camos, & N. Cowan, (Eds.) (in press). Working Memory: State of the Science. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Logie, R.H., Camos, V., & Cowan, N. (Eds.) (in press). Working Memory: State of the Science. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Logie, R.H., Camos, V., & Cowan, N. (in press). The state of the science of working memory: An introduction. In R.H. Logie, V. Camos, & N. Cowan, (Eds.) (in press). Working Memory: State of the Science. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Logie, R.H., Belletier, C. & Doherty, J.D. (in press). Integrating theories of working memory. In R.H. Logie, V. Camos, & N. Cowan, (Eds.) (in press). Working Memory: State of the Science. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.


Jaroslawska, A. J., & Rhodes, S., (2019). Adult Age Differences in the Effects of Processing on Storage in Working Memory: A Meta-Analysis. Psychology & Aging, 34, 512-530.

Logie, R.H. (2019). Converging sources of evidence and theory integration in working memory: A commentary on Morey, Rhodes, and Cowan (2019). Cortex, 112, 162-171.

Morey, C. C., Rhodes, S., & Cowan, N. (in press). Sensory-motor integration and brain lesions: Progress toward explaining domain-specific phenomena within domain-general working memory. Cortex, 112, 149-161.

Rhodes, S., Jaroslawska, A. J., Doherty, J. M., Belletier, C., Naveh-Benjamin, M., Cowan, N., Camos, V., Barrouillet, P., & Logie, R. H. (2019). Storage and processing in working memory: Assessing dual-task performance and task prioritization across the adult lifespan. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 148, 1204-1227.

Doherty, J. M., Belletier, C., Rhodes, S., Jaroslawska, A., Barrouillet, P., Camos, V., Cowan, N., Naveh-Benjamin, M., & Logie, R. H. (2019). Dual-task costs in working memory: An adversarial collaboration. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 45, 1529-1551. DOI: 10.1037/xlm0000668


Logie, R.H. (2018). Human Cognition: Common Principles and Individual Variation. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition,7, 471-486.

Logie, R. H. (2018). Scientific advance and theory integration in working memory: Comment on Oberauer et al. (2018). Psychological Bulletin, 144(9), 959-962.

Rhodes, S. & Cowan, N. (2018). Attention in Working Memory: Attention is Needed but it Yearns to be Free. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1424(1), 52-63.

Rhodes, S., Cowan, N., Hardman, K.O. & Logie, R.H. (2018). Informed guessing in change detection. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 44, 1023-1035.


Rhodes, S., Parra, M.A., Cowan, N. & Logie, R.H. (2017). Healthy aging and visual working memory: The effect of mixing feature and conjunction changes. Psychology and Aging, 32, 354-366.


Doherty, J. & Logie, R.H. (2016). Resource-sharing in multiple component working memory. Memory & Cognition, 44(8), 1157-1167. DOI 10.3758/s13421-016-0626-7

Logie, R.H. (2016). Retiring the Central Executive.  Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69, 2093–2109. DOI 10.1080/17470218.2015.1136657



Logie, R. H., Cowan, N., Camos, V., Barrouillet, P., Naveh-Benjamin, Doherty, J. M., M., Belletier, C., Jaroslawska, A. J., Rhodes, S., Forsberg, A. (November 2020). Working memory across the adult lifespan: An adversarial collaboration. Talk presented at the Psychonomic Society Virtual Annual Meeting,


Belletier, C., Doherty, J., Jaroslawska, A., Rhodes, S., Cowan, N., Naveh-Benjamin, M., Barrouillet, P., Camos, V., & Logie, R.H. (November 2019). Strategic adaptation to dual task in verbal working memory. Presented by V Camos at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Montreal, Canada.

Logie, R. H., Cowan, N., Camos, V., Barrouillet, P., Naveh-Benjamin, M., Belletier, C., Forsberg, A., Jaroslawska, A. J.,  Doherty, J. M., Rhodes, S.. (November 2019). Working memory across the adult lifespan: An adversarial collaboration. Talk to School of Psychology, University of Aberdeen, UK.

Logie, R.H. (August 2019). Memory illusions and how to avoid them. Talk presented twice to the General Public at the Royal Society of Edinburgh for the ‘Curious’ programme as part of the Edinburgh Annual Festival.

Logie, R.H. (March 2019). What happens when scientists who disagree work  together? Talk presented to General Public in Saturday Morning Science series at University of Missouri-Columbia, USA.

Logie, R.H. ((March 2019). Common Principles and Individual Variation in Human Cognition. Talk presented to Department of Psychological Sciences, University of Missouri-Columbia, USA. Also presented by R Logie at UK Annual Working memory Conference, Parcevall Hall, Yorkshire in June 2019.


Logie, R.H. (2018). The many faces of visuo-spatial working memory. Invited talk at Festschrift for Cesare Cornoldi, University of Padova, Italy, June 2018.

Logie, R. H. (2018) The Aging Mind. Invited talk to staff and students at Universiti Sains, Penang, Malaysia, April 2018.

Cowan, N., Rhodes, S., Doherty, J., Jaroslawska, A., Belletier, C., Naveh-Benjamin, M., Barrouillet, P., Camos, V., & Logie, R. (2018). Scientific Arguments in the Airwaves and Inside the Head: Payoffs of an Adversarial Collaboration on Working Memory.
Talk presented at the Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA, November 2018.

Doherty, J., Belletier, C., Rhodes, S., Jaroslawska, A., Camos, V., Barrouillet, P., Cowan, N., Naveh-Benjamin, M., & Logie R.H, (2018). Dual-task memory and processing trade-offs are dependent on presentation/recall format and processing task modality. Talk presented at the 9th European Working Memory Symposium (EWOMS). Pavia,  Italy, August 2018

Jaroslawska, A.J., Rhodes, S., Doherty, J.M., Belletier, C., Naveh-Benjamin, M.,  Cowan, N., Camos, V., Barrouillet, P., & Logie, R.H. Storage and processing across the adult lifespan: What moderates the magnitude of the dual-task costs? Talk presented at the 9th European Working Memory Symposium (EWOMS). Pavia,  Italy, August 2018

Belletier, C., Doherty, J., Jaroslawska, A., Rhodes, S., Cowan, N., Naveh-Benjamin, M., Logie, R., Barrouillet, P., &amp Camos, V. (2018) Strategic adaptations to dual tasking and concurrent articulation in working memory.
Talk presented at the 9th European Working Memory Symposium (EWOMS). Pavia,  Italy, August 2018. Also presented by C Belletier at UK Annual Working memory Conference, Parcevall Hall, Yorkshire in June 2018.

Doherty, J., Belletier, C., Rhodes, S., Jaroslawska, A., Camos, V., Barrouillet, P., Cowan, N., Naveh-Benjamin, M., & Logie R.H, (2018). Working Memory across the Adult lifespan: an Adversarial Collaboration.
Talk presented to Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Science joint with Experimental Psychology Society. St John’s, Newfoundland, Canada, July 2018. Also presented by R Logie at UK Annual Working memory Conference, Parcevall Hall, Yorkshire in June 2018.

Logie, R.H., Doherty, J.M., & Jaroslawska, A.J. (May 2018). Emerging Working Memory Capacity from Multiple Interacting Systems: E Pluribus Unum.
Talk presented at the Psychonomic Society International Meeting. Amsterdam, Netherlands, May, 2018.

Cowan, N., Rhodes, S., & Naveh-Benjamin, M. (May 2018). How Can Attention Be Distinguished From Multiple Modules?
Talk presented at the Psychonomic Society International Meeting. Amsterdam, Netherlands, May, 2018.

Barrouillet, P., Belletier, C., & Camos, V. (May 2018). Temporal Constraints Limit Working Memory Capacity.
Talk presented at the Psychonomic Society International Meeting. Amsterdam, Netherlands, May, 2018.

Jaroslawska, A..J. (April 2018). Storage & processing in working memory: Dual-task costs, prioritisation, & short-term consolidation across the adult lifespan. Talk presented to Global Brain Health Initiative, Trinity College Dublin.

Logie, R. H., Doherty, J. M., Jaroslawska, A. J., Rhodes, S., Cowan, N., Naveh-Benjamin, M., Belletier, C., Barrouillet, P. & Camos, V. (February 2018). Frontiers of memory research: Working memory across the adult lifespan.
Talk presented at the Panjab University. Chandigarh, India.

Logie, R. H., Doherty, J. M., Jaroslawska, A. J., Belletier, C., Barrouillet, P., Camos, V., Rhodes, S., Cowan, N. & Naveh-Benjamin, M., (February 2018). Working memory across the adult lifespan.
Talk presented at the Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology. Patiala, India.



Logie, R. H., Doherty, J. M., Jaroslawska, A. J., Rhodes, S., Cowan, N., Naveh-Benjamin, M., Belletier, C., Barrouillet, P. & Camos, V. (November 2017). Storage and processing in working memory: An adversarial collaboration.
Talk presented at the 58th annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society. Vancouver, Canada.

Logie, R. H., Doherty, J. M., Jaroslawska, A. J., Cowan, N., Naveh-Benjamin, M., Rhodes, S., Barrouillet, P., Belletier, C. & Camos, V. (September 2017). Processing and storage in working memory: An adversarial collaboration.
Talk presented at the 20th Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology. Potsdam, Germany.

Jaroslawska, A. J., Rhodes, S., Doherty, J., M., Belletier, C., Camos, V., Barrouillet, P., Cowan, N., Naveh-Benjamin, M., & Logie, R. H. (September 2017). When the old to at least as well as the young: Cognitive abilities that remain intact across the adult lifespan.
Talk presented at the annual Centre for Cognitive Ageing and Cognitive Epidemiology (CCACE) Research Day. Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

Logie, R. H., Doherty, J. M., Jaroslawska, A. J., Cowan, N., Naveh-Benjamin, M., Rhodes, S., Barrouillet, P., Belletier, C. & Camos, V. (June 2017). Testing three working memory theories in young adults.
Talk presented at the Working Memory Discussion Meeting. Parcevall Hall, United Kingdom.

Jaroslawska, A. J., Rhodes, S., Doherty, J. M., Belletier, C., Camos, V., Barrouillet, P., Cowan, N., Naveh-Benjamin, M., & Logie, R. H. (June 2017). WoMAAC: Simultaneous storage and processing across the adult lifespan.
Talk presented at the Working Memory Discussion Meeting. Parcevall Hall, United Kingdom.





Belletier, C., Barrouillet, P., &amp Camos, V. (november 2018) Perfection doesn’t exist in Woking Memory: New evidence in favour of a voluntary sharing between storage and processing.
Poster presented at the 59th annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society. New Orleans (USA).

Rhodes, S., Jaroslawska, A. J., Doherty, J. M., Belletier, C., Naveh-Benjamin, M., Cowan, N., Camos, V., Barrouillet, P., & Logie, R. H. (May, 2018). Working memory across the adult lifespan: age effects on simultaneous storage and processing.
Poster presented at Cognitive Aging Conference. Atlanta, GA.


Rhodes, S., Jaroslawska, A. J., Doherty, J. M., Belletier, C., Camos, V., Barrouillet, P., Cowan, N., Naveh-Benjamin, M., & Logie, R. H. (November 2017). Simultaneous storage and processing across the adult life-span.
Poster presented at the 58th annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society. Vancouver, Canada.

Doherty, J. M., Belletier, C., Rhodes, S., Jaroslawska, A. J., Camos, V., Barrouillet, P., Cowan, N., Naveh-Benjamin, M., & Logie, R. H. (November 2017). Working memory across the adult lifespan: An adversarial collaboration (WoMAAC).
Poster presented at the 58th annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society. Vancouver, Canada.

Belletier, C., Doherty, J. M., Jaroslawska, A. J., Rhodes, S., Camos, V., Barrouillet, P., Cowan, N., Naveh-Benjamin, M., & Logie, R. H. (November 2017). Strategic adaptations to dual tasking and concurrent articulation in working memory.
Poster presented at the 58th annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society. Vancouver, Canada.



Doherty, J. M., Rhodes, S., Jaroslawska, A. J., Belletier, C., Camos, V., Barrouillet, P., Cowan, N., Naveh-Benjamin, M., & Logie, R. H. (November 2016). Working memory across the adult lifespan: An adversarial collaboration (WoMAAC).
Poster presented at the 57th annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society. Boston, USA.